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Ozark Hills Observatory

"Exploring the Cosmos from the Heart of the Ozarks"

Deep Space & Wide Field Astrophotography

Using a Varity of Astronomical Intruments

The heavens declare the glory of God..

; the skies proclaim the work of his hands


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NGC 1893 and IC 405 Takahashi FSQ106 EDX4 Nebulae widefield Rich Harris Astrophotography

NGC 1893 and IC 405 Nebulae Takahashi FSQ106 EDX4 widefield

Stunning widefield view of NGC 1893 and IC 405 nebulae, captured with the Takahashi FSQ106 EDX4 by Richard Harris at Ozark Hills Observatory. This vibrant image reveals vivid cosmic colors and intricate nebular structures, showcasing deep-sky wonders in breathtaking detail.