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Orion Nebula region widefield astrophoto Springfield Mo

Orion Nebula 2024

We return to the Orion region after 2 years to uncover new details using our latest gear, the Takahashi FSQ-106 EDX4, a 6200MM camera, and 3nm Chroma filters. This setup promises to reveal even more breathtaking features than my 2022 attempt.

HCG 68 Hickson Group 68 Galaxies - NGC 5353

NGC 5353 HCG 68 Hickson Group 68 Galaxies TEC 180 FL APO180FL

We explore the majestic NGC 5353 and its surrounding galaxy group, Hickson Group 68 (HCG 68) using our TEC 180 FL telescope. A rarely photographed object, we captured NGC 5353, its interaction with neighboring galaxies, and what these phenomena reveal about the universe's vast, intricate tapestry.

The Orion Nebula astrophoto taken with the TEC 180 FL telescope and ZWO 6200MM camera

The Orion Nebula M42 astrophoto taken with the TEC 180 FL

The awe-inspiring beauty of the Orion Nebula M42 is revealed through our latest astrophoto taken with the high-end TEC 180 FL telescope. This image showcases the incredible detail and vibrant colors of one of the most famous celestial objects in the night sky. The TEC 180 FL's superior optics bring out the intricate structures and gas clouds of the nebula, revealing aspects that are often missed in lesser-quality images.

Page results for '6200MM'

About Ozark Hills Observatory

The Ozark Hills Observatory is operated by the Richard Harris Family. It is dedicated to fostering a deep and profound connection between humanity and the God of our universe. Our mission revolves around providing a space for astronomical exploration, education, and appreciation in the serene embrace of the Ozark Hills in Missouri.
Ozark Hills Observatory,Ozarks Astronomy,Telescopes,Springfield,Missouri